Proper oral care is critical in early years to identify and correct conditions that may cause health issues later on. Ezra's pediatric specialists are trained to deal with the specific oral health needs of children's development while providing a positive dental experience, building towards a heathy future.
Being under the care of the right dentist is crucial to long-term dental health. From standard cleanings and checkups to more complicated dental work, our expert dentists and hygienists deliver a level of oral care guaranteed to brighten your smile.
Parents' work schedules, kids' school schedules, and lack of transportation make it challenging for children to receive regular dental treatment. Ezra cares, which is why our mobile School Based Dental Program visits community schools on a regular basis throughout the year, providing crucial preventive and restorative oral care.
Dental Director
A graduate of New York University College of Dentistry, Dr. Eli Wagshall directs Ezra's dental services with specialized expertise graced by sensitivity and understanding. Respected as one of only a few dentists in Brooklyn who work with special-needs children, he remains academically active researching, writing and diligently learning the latest trends in pediatric dentistry. Under his visionary leadership, the dental department at Ezra is known for providing a level of oral care guaranteed to make our patients smile.